Congratulations Sir Lin & Sir Chel!

“Trust in LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding”

– (Proverbs 3:5)

Thank you for trusting VTC Intl. We wish you all the happiness and a successful journey to Europe. Congratulations again on your Positive Visa!!!

Congratulations Mam Iri & Mam Sha!

“Success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing.”

– Warren Bennis

Thank you for trusting VTC Intl. We wish you all the happiness and a successful journey to Europe. Congratulations again on your Positive Visa!!!

Congratulations Mam Len!

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying ‘I will try again tomorrow.'”

-Mary Ann Radmacher

Thank you for trusting VTC Intl. We wish you all the happiness and a successful journey to Europe. Congratulations again on your Positive Visa!!!

Congratulations Sir Rom!

“I am a slow walker, but I never walk back.”

-Abraham Lincoln

Thank you for trusting VTC Intl. We wish you all the happiness and a successful journey to Europe. Congratulations again on your Positive Visa!!!

Congratulations Mam April & Mam May!

“The man who moves mountains begins by carrying away small stones”

– Confucius

Thank you for trusting VTC Intl. We wish you all the happiness and a successful journey to Europe. Congratulations again on your Positive Visa!!!

Congratulations Sir John & Sir Bry!

“Let me tell you the secret that has led to my goal. My strength lies solely in my tenacity.”

– Louis Pasteur

Thank you for trusting VTC Intl. We wish you all the happiness and a successful journey to Europe. Congratulations again on your Positive Visa!!!

Congratulations Mam Ange & Mam Dal!

“Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.”

– George Edward Woodberry

Thank you for trusting VTC Intl. We wish you all the happiness and a successful journey to Europe. Congratulations again on your Positive Visa!!!

Congratulations Mam Che & Mam Jem!

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them”

– Walt Disney

Thank you for trusting VTC Intl. We wish you all the happiness and a successful journey to Europe. Congratulations again on your Positive Visa!!!

Congratulations Sir Bert & Sir Mer!!!

Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”

– Will Rogers

Thank you for trusting VTC Intl. We wish you all the happiness and a successful journey to Europe. Congratulations again on your Positive Visa!!!

Congratulations Mam Dev & Mam Mich!

“When you can’t find someone to follow, you have to find a way to lead by example.”

– Roxanne Gay

Thank you for trusting VTC Intl. We wish you all the happiness and a successful journey to Europe. Congratulations again on your Positive Visa!!!